· most people don’t understand the concept of cruise-control.
· learning to drive in japan should be a prerequisite for obtaining a driver’s license in america.
--now, barring any emergency maneuvers or the obvious start and stop of traffic lights and/or bumper to bumper traffic, i am capable of driving an entire trip without touching the pedals. i could go so far as to say i could do it sitting with my legs crossed underneath me…hypothetically, of course…not that i do that…much. just kidding! gotta watch out for the aforementioned situations. anyway, i can successfully drive while changing lanes and speeds, even handling merging, mis-timing of lane changes, and the ever present (many times strange) driving choices of the other people out there at the touch of a few buttons…maintaining a constant speed, or margin of speed relative to the speed limit. that (and using the passing lane for its intended purpose,) reduces the adjustments others have to make to me, which in turn, one would assume, would make driving with me on the road an easier day. why have i found that that concept seems so hard for other drivers to understand??
--they should move to japan for a few years to learn the “art” of driving. while the japanese do drive on the wrong side, they drive the right way. when people are in abundance and space is at a minimum, one must do things more efficiently. they (can) drive full-sized cars on sometimes (it seems) half-width lanes lined with cars…and make it look easy. and really it is easy, once you understand what’s going on. the idea is that everybody has somewhere to go, so let’s all get there. they use a few concepts somewhat foreign to the states, that i call “situational awareness” and “courtesy.” novel ideas, really. if you’re aware of what’s going on around you, as in where you are, who else is there, and where you’re all going, something called “anticipation” sets in. you understand that if there is space in front of you, it will be used by that car sitting on the side wanting to pull into traffic. so, anticipating his move, your adjustment only has to be slight in order for him to be able to join the traffic flow, and you were courteous in the process. nobody gets greedy and speeds up, which would lead to either him not being able to pull out, or you slamming on the brakes when he does it anyway, (or crashing). and nobody gets mad either, because we’re all still moving along! wow…. it’s a proactive kind of thing…and it works…crazy, huh? what i've seen of many americans (not all of course) is that they are selfish, aggressive, reactive, oblivious, and/or mean. drivers, that is… ;) oh, and if when driving on the highway in japan, you come up behind someone driving slower than you are, they move over…even if there is no lane. assuming no mountain drop-off, they’ll cross over the right side line so you can go around them. what a concept…
--on a completely different note…below is something else you would never see in japan! makes me laugh.